Super hero 💪
All market cap
FII Holding 1.00 - 30.00
Return on Equity 15.00
ROCE (Year) 10.00 - 10,737.61
YoY last Quarterly Sales Growth 25.00 - 33,99,100.00
YoY last Quarterly Profit Growth 25.00 - 1,07,600.00
Operating Margin 15.00
Net Income (Quarterly) 10.00 - 20,094.36
Net Income (Yearly) 80.00
Free Cash Flow 1
Debt to Equity 0.00 - 0.90
DII Holding 60.00
EPS Growth % (Year) 20.00 - 1,04,542.00
Return On Assets 5.00 - 2,921.34
PE/Sector PE PE Ratio (TTM)
Promoter Holding 30.00 - 100.00
Revenue Growth % (5 Year) 5.00 - 1,179.80
Price | Change | Price %Change | Volume | PE Ratio (TTM) | Market Cap | Price %Change (Week) | Revenue (Yearly) | FII Holding | Return on Equity | Return On Assets | ROCE (Year) | YoY last Quarterly Sales Growth | YoY last Quarterly Profit Growth | Operating Margin | EPS Growth % (Year) | Net Income (Quarterly) | Net Income (Yearly) | Free Cash Flow | Debt to Equity | PE/Sector PE | DII Holding | Promoter Holding | EMA (200) | Increase in CAPEX % | EPS Growth % (3 Year) | Revenue Growth % (5 Year) | |
273.45 | -3.60 | -1.30% | 2,17,89,085 | 40.53 | 2,02,517 | -0.26% | 20,938.40 | 17.35 | 24.13 | 22.53 | 30.13 | 38.65 | 52.46 | 24.90 | 33.25 | 1,311.60 | 3,943.10 | 4,007 | 0.00 | 0.65 | 20.93 | 51.14 | 275.81 | 10.51 | 18.44 | 9.89 | |
1,282.00 | -37.40 | -2.83% | 3,78,189 | 12.14 | 23,632 | 10.36% | 4,126.90 | 17.94 | 23.72 | 23.40 | 28.53 | 32.94 | 83.33 | 43.80 | 97.40 | 676.50 | 1,388.30 | 853 | 0.05 | 0.31 | 5.57 | 49.62 | 1,256.73 | 74.46 | 102.46 | 15.33 | |
1,153.95 | -70.30 | -5.74% | 8,59,147 | 65.32 | 21,033 | 8.84% | 862.20 | 25.40 | 21.56 | 18.87 | 25.76 | 32.60 | 35.03 | 43.77 | 24.01 | 90.20 | 246.00 | 204 | 0.10 | 1.97 | 19.43 | 32.96 | 1,004.94 | 21.47 | 15.27 | 13.62 | |
2,848.00 | 75.25 | 2.71% | 1,84,494 | 84.46 | 16,827 | 11.79% | 1,547.30 | 9.96 | 18.96 | 16.23 | 23.54 | 34.85 | 39.95 | 17.74 | 51.72 | 54.30 | 159.70 | 29 | 0.27 | 2.01 | 15.70 | 70.39 | 2,367.09 | 12.60 | -60.78 | 18.77 | |
3,703.80 | 5.50 | 0.15% | 40,358 | 54.79 | 15,352 | 2.28% | 752.00 | 5.74 | 34.14 | 32.12 | 44.39 | 29.93 | 33.28 | 41.94 | 33.71 | 77.30 | 225.80 | 273 | 0.08 | 1.85 | 7.81 | 47.99 | 3,898.63 | -73.42 | 21.06 | 17.45 | |
1,097.95 | -36.05 | -3.18% | 1,71,387 | 86.77 | 11,638 | 2.74% | 568.60 | 17.54 | 18.13 | 13.15 | 20.08 | 31.68 | 25.30 | 40.32 | 40.17 | 42.10 | 119.60 | 95 | 0.42 | 1.90 | 24.63 | 53.91 | 925.36 | -29.54 | 2.60 | 9.93 | |
364.20 | -25.45 | -6.53% | 8,39,145 | 40.41 | 6,086 | 4.78% | 1,016.70 | 17.80 | 16.78 | 16.61 | 22.81 | 44.39 | 50.17 | 16.73 | 21.67 | 44.90 | 118.30 | 39 | 0.00 | 0.69 | 26.90 | 34.27 | 383.16 | 116.10 | 18.29 | 14.00 | |
1,200.35 | -108.10 | -8.26% | 1,09,866 | 28.04 | 4,057 | -9.04% | 699.10 | 6.01 | 15.42 | 9.10 | 17.79 | 35.84 | 138.68 | 30.49 | 32.74 | 50.60 | 91.40 | 146 | 0.78 | 0.85 | 14.50 | 56.66 | 935.52 | 26.77 | 3.73 | 11.85 | |
471.50 | -16.00 | -3.28% | 14,480 | 37.75 | 3,740 | -1.49% | 557.10 | 3.25 | 23.82 | 23.79 | 31.71 | 25.50 | 51.15 | 18.99 | 22.65 | 26.30 | 82.30 | 16 | 0.00 | 0.79 | 0.74 | 70.47 | 539.57 | 30.98 | 24.61 | 17.49 | |